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Wayne George

ONLINE Counselling: The Benefits

We are living in a world where "online" now commonly precedes or follows many services or activities.

  • Church online

  • Online education

  • Online conferences

  • the list goes on...

The health and allied health sectors have not been spared the influence and necessity of this online trend with tele-health and Zoom sessions becoming the norm in these arenas too.

Since its inception, Samway Counselling Services has adopted an online counselling model, not because of COVID, but rather because its founders, Wayne and Samantha, saw the value in making a quality, professional service available and accessible to anyone whether in the heart of a bustling city or 'out in the sticks' in rural or regional Australia (and even across the Tasman, in New Zealand).

But, what are the benefits of online counselling, one may ask. Is it effective? Can the same benefits be gained as from an in-person session. The answer to these questions is 'yes' and more!

Here are a few benefits to online counselling:

1. Time Saver

With online therapy, you don’t have to travel long distances. Just schedule the best time for you and your online therapist and that’s it! At the appointed time, each party needs to connect to the Internet to get started with the session!

2. Confidentiality

Nobody will need to know that you are undergoing therapy because, with online care, you can carry out the sessions from any location of your choosing without anyone knowing your business.

Because no referral or Mental Health Care Plan is needed, there is no need for a report to be submitted or even a diagnosis to be made. So, your seeing us is strictly confidential.

3. Cost Saver

When performing online therapy, you leave aside expenses like fuel, bus, train or taxi. Since you can do therapy from anywhere, you don’t need to move around to get to a clinic on time!

4. Convenience

Receive counselling in the safety and privacy of your own 'safe space', whether in your home, your caravan, your car, your garden. It's all about you - you choose your space!

5. No Wait Time

In most cases, we can see you within a few days of making an appointment. There's no long waiting list.

With extended hours of availability, you are certain to find a time that suits you.

6. No Referral Needed

No referral from your GP is needed. Neither do you need a Mental Health Care Plan.

You decide if and when you need to chat to us, and go ahead and make the booking at a time that suits you.

With these and many more benefits, there's very little reason to not put your needs first; to continue putting your self-care on the 'back-burner'. If you need someone to talk to or to journey alongside you in this season of your life, why not reach out today. We look forward to meeting with your wherever you are.

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