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Another Year Like No Other ("Happy" New Year??)

Writer's picture: Wayne GeorgeWayne George

Here we stand, on the brink of another new year. As one tends to do every year, a quick glance back renders a snapshot of highs and lows, ups and downs; moments of laughter amidst moments of tears.

Sadly, as the curtain falls on another year, the world finds itself in not much of a better place than it did 365 days ago. The world at the close of 2021 is still very much one in as much pain, perplexity and confusion as it was at the close of 2020. This last year has seen family and friends of many falling at the random swing of COVID’s scythe. Many are dealing with grief and loss, depression, anxiety and a myriad other mental and emotional health challenges. “Happy” in “Happy New Year” seems misplaced (just as ‘Merry’ did in ‘Merry Christmas’ last week) when there is so much heartache and sadness.

However, Dear Friends, we cannot but wish you a Happy 2022; we cannot but pray that it will be a year filled with blessing for you and yours.

The year gone by has been a challenging one again on so many fronts - it would be asinine to deny it and portray it to be something that it was not. In its wake is heartache, yes; hurt, perhaps; however, hopelessness, never!

If we don’t have hope to hold onto, what do we have?

· Hope for a better tomorrow;

· hope for a healthy recovery for sick loved ones;

· hope for a better 2022.

It’s hope that keeps us moving forward when all else says “give up”. It’s hope that causes one to arise from the ashes of despair when circumstances dictate that doing so is pointless!

As we step into the new year, it’s not going to be in the manner of years gone by. The light of fireworks for many will be replaced by the lights of candles lit in prayer for the sick and the dying. The loud house party music, in many homes this New Year’s Eve will be replaced, at the very most, by tunes of sobriety and sombreness; at the very least- total silence; solitude; solicitude.

There’s talk of this ‘new normal’, however, there is nothing ‘normal’ about what is happening in our world. That’s where hope comes in because hope is what we hang onto when nothing is normal, when nothing is as it once was; when the all the comforts and supports we have known to-date are stripped away.

So, while it does not roll off our tongues as easily as it did in previous years, Friends - we say it as well-intentioned and purely-motivated as we did then - A HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS. May your 2022 be filled with peace amidst every and any circumstance; may it be covered in grace, mercy and love; above all, may it be infused with hope; hope that whatever you and your dear family are facing today, tomorrow will be a better day, tomorrow the sun will shine again.

Wherever in the world you are tonight, as the clock strikes 12, may you walk in hope, stand in hope, live in hope.

Hope does not disappoint.

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